Entreprenoires JIFA Market
Dans le cadre de la Journée Internationale de la Femme Africaine, Belgian Entreprenoires s’associe au CEC et au Collectif Mémoire Coloniale pour l’organisation du JIFA Market ! Nous vous donnons rendez-vous le dimanche 30 juillet au Jardin Grand-Hospice à 1000 Bruxelles pour une journée qui alliera Marché des Créatrices en plein air et des activités […]
Baby’Prenoires Market
From 13.00 to 21.00, come, meet & support the Baby’Prenoires !The Baby’Prenoires are ladies, from all ages, who are at the beginning of their entrepreneurship journey. Spend the day with us in Antwerp to visit the creators Market and discover their businesses ! 13h – 21h : The Baby’Prenoires Test Market During daytime, some Belgian Baby’Prenoires will […]
Entreprenoires Impact Market
Join the first European startup event focusing on inclusive entrepreneurship and impact !The Summit will unite all innovation ecosystem players working towards an inclusive & sustainable future. Belgian Entrepenoires @ Impact Shakers Summit Belgian Entreprenoires is a marketplace & network for Black Female Founders in Belgium.The are a catalyser of opportunities and organise markets, conferences […]